TRAINER Trainer XRAY SAP Companion MANAGER Manager UE_BUSINESSROLE_USER_ROLE_ALREADY_MAPPED A user role can be assigned to a business role only once. UE_BUSINESSROLE_UID_ALREADY_EXISTS UID of the business role already exists. UE_CANNOT_ASSIGN_AUDIENCE_TO_ENTITY The object does not exist. The audience cannot be assigned. UE_ERROR_NO_DETAILS An error occurred UE_NO_DESTINATION Destination not found. UE_CIRCULARITY This activity is not allowed. It is causing circular data. UE_DATE_INCORRECT_FORMAT Incorrect date format. UE_FEATURE_NOT_LICENCED This feature is not licensed. UE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND Identity not found. UE_MILESTONE_NOT_FOUND Milestone not found. UE_OFFSET_NUMBER_FORMAT_INCORRECT Offset number format is not valid. UE_REGCODE_ALREADY_EXISTS Registration code already exists. UE_SESSION_ID_INVALID Session ID is invalid. UE_SQL_INDEX_COULD_NOT_INCREASED Internal index in index table could not be increased. UE_TOKEN_ON_SERVER_FORBIDS_DELETION Object deletion is not allowed if write permission is not owned by server. UE_PARENT_WRITE_TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE Object deletion is not allowed if write permission of parent not owned by user. UE_TRACK_NO_EVENT No track event specified. UE_OU_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS This operation cannot be completed - at least one organizational unit name exists twice. UE_OU_ALREADY_TARGET This operation cannot be completed - one organizational unit is already the target. UE_ROLE_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS This operation cannot be completed - at least one role name exists twice. UE_NO_USER_TOKEN No write permission available. You need write permission to import the DKP file. UE_DKP_CORRUPT The uploaded DKP file is corrupt. UE_MAIL_PROVIDER_NOT_EXISTING Provider does not exist. UE_MAIL_NO_ADDRESSES There are no e-mail addresses defined. UE_MAIL_INVALID_ADDRESSES There are invalid e-mail addresses defined. UE_MAIL_NO_SENDER_ADDRESS No sender e-mail address specified. UE_MAIL_SEND_FAILED E-mail sending failed. UE_MAIL_AUTH_FAILED Send e-mail failed due to an authentication failure (e.g., bad user name or password). UE_MAIL_NO_RECIPIENT There is no recipient email address specified. UE_OUT_OF_RANGE Number is out of expected range. UE_VALUE_INTEGER_EXPECTED Input has to be an integer. UE_REGCODE_WRONG_SYNTAX Registration code format is wrong. The registration code must be 4 to 10 characters long whereas only digits and capital letters are allowed. UE_REGCODE_TOO_LONG Registration code is too long. UE_REGCODE_TOO_SHORT Registration code is too short. UE_REGCODE_INVALID Registration code is invalid. UE_ENTITY_ALREADY_DELETED Object has been already deleted. UE_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Object not found. UE_ENTITY_ROOT_NOT_DELETEABLE Deletion of root object is not allowed. UE_ENTITY_TREE_NOT_DELETEABLE_TOKEN_IN_SUBTREE There are locked objects in subtree that should be deleted. UE_ENTITY_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE This version of the object does not exist. UE_IMPORT_EXCEL_FIRSTNAME_MISSING First name is missing. UE_IMPORT_EXCEL_LASTNAME_MISSING Last name is missing. UE_IMPORT_EXCEL_USERNAME_MISSING User name is missing. UE_LIC_NUMB_ACTIVE_USER_EXCEEDED Amount of licensed users has been exceeded. UE_LIC_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation failed - amount of licensed users has been exceeded. UE_PARAMTER_LIMIT_INVALID Parameter limit is invalid. UE_PARAMETER_TOO_LONG Parameter is too long. UE_PARAMTER_MISSING Parameter missing. UE_PARAMETER_MISSING_USER_SELF_REG At least one parameter for self-registration is missing. UE_PARAMTER_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_CODE Attachment download code is missing. UE_PARAMTER_ORDER_DIR_INVALID Sort sequence is invalid. UE_PARAMTER_SEARCH_OPERATION_INVALID Search operation is invalid. UE_PARAMTER_SEARCH_UNKNOWN Search parameter is unknown. UE_PARAMTER_UNKNOWN Parameter is unknown. UE_PERMISSION_ADMINUSER_NOT_REMOVEABLE It is not allowed to remove permissions from administrator. UE_PERMISSION_ADMINROLE_NOT_REMOVEABLE It is not allowed to remove permissions from administrative role. UE_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN Permission is unknown. UE_SEARCH_TO_MANY_RESULTS The search returned too many results. Redefine your search phrase. UE_TAG_ALREADY_EXITS Tag already exists. UE_TAG_FORMAT_INVALID Tag format is invalid. UE_TAG_DISPLAYNAME_FORMAT_INVALID Tag display name format is invalid. UE_TAG_NOT_FOUND Tag cannot be found. UE_TAG_PROTECTED_NOT_DELETEABLE Tag is protected and cannot be deleted. UE_TAG_PUBLISHED_NOT_CREATEABLE Tag Published is protected against manipulation. UE_TRAINER_NOT_DEACTIVATED @{TRAINER} cannot be deactivated. UE_TRAINER_NOT_FOUND @{TRAINER} cannot be found. UE_USER_ADD_FAILED User could not be added. UE_USER_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_WRONG Admin credentials are wrong. UE_USER_ADMIN_NOT_DEACTIVATABLE Deactivating admin user is not allowed. UE_USER_ATLEAST_ONE_USER_WITH_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS There has to be at least one user left with certain administration permissions. UE_USER_CURRENT_NOT_DEACTIVATABLE Deactivating the current logged in user is not allowed. UE_USER_SYSADMIN_IMMUTABLE No permission to modify internal system user. UE_USER_HAS_NO_PERMISSON No permission for this action. UE_USER_LOGGED_IN_USER_CANT_CHANGE_AUTH It is not allowed to change the authentication name of the current logged in user. UE_USER_LOGOUT User logged out. UE_USER_NOT_FOUND User not found. UE_USER_PWD_POLICY_FAILED Password does not match password policy. UE_USER_PWD_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN_ANY_RESTRICTED_WORD Password should not contain any restricted word. UE_MALFORMED_JSON Malformed JSON sent. UE_USER_SELF_REG_MISSING_PARAM At least one parameter is missing. UE_USER_AUTH_ALREADY_USED The authentication name is already in use. UE_USER_NO_AUTH_NAME_PROVIDED No authentication name provided. UE_WA_ALREADY_EXISTS Workspace already exists. UE_WA_MISSING_PERMISSION Missing workspace permission. UE_WA_NOT_FOUND Workspace not found. UE_WA_PARAMTER_INVALID ID must be between 0 and 21 characters long, and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. UE_WA_SYSTEM_NOT_DELETABLE Deletion of system workspace is not allowed. UE_WA_SYSTEM_NOT_DEACTIVATE Deactivation of system workspace is not allowed. UE_WA_SYSTEM_NOT_EDITABLE System workspace is not editable. UE_OU_ROOT_NOT_DELETEABLE Deletion of root organizational unit is not allowed. UE_OU_NOT_FOUND Organizational unit not found. UE_LDAP_KERB_AUTH_FAILED LDAP authentication via Kerberos failed. UE_LDAP_PASSWORD_INVALID Password is invalid. UE_LDAP_SERVER_ADDR_INVALID Server address is invalid. UE_LDAP_USER_NAME_INVALID User name is invalid. UE_FILE_ENTITY_XML_NOT_FOUND File entity.xml was not found. UE_FILE_EXT_NOT_SUPPORTED File extension is not supported. UE_FILE_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory to insert file. UE_FILE_REPLACE_SAME_EXT_ONLY Files need to have the same extension to be replaced. UE_FILE_SECURITY_EXCEPTION File security exception. UE_TRAN_MISSING_PERMISSION No permission to execute this transition. UE_WF_WF_IN_USE_BY_TASK Workflow is used by task. UE_WF_WF_IN_USE_BY_WA Workflow is used by workspace. UE_WF_WF_IN_USE_AND_MUST_COMPL Workflow is in use and needs at least an initial status. UE_WF_NO_CHANGE_LAST_COMPL_WF There needs to be at least one active workflow containing an initial status. UE_WF_STATUS_NOT_PART_OF_WF Status is not part of workflow. UE_WF_STATUS_USED_BY_TASK Status is used by workflow. UE_WF_STATUS_USED_BY_WF_TRANS Status is used by workflow transition. UE_WF_NOT_COMPLETE This workflow needs an initial status. UE_LDAP_READ_ONLY_ELEMENT Moved or destination element is imported from LDAP. UE_ERR_LDAP_SAVE Error on saving data (duplicate domains are not allowed) UE_ERR_FILE_NOT_SPECIFIED File not specified UE_ERR_TIME_NOT_SPECIFIED Time not specified UE_ERR_SCHED_PATTERN_NOT_SPECIFIED scheduling pattern not specified UE_PW_CHANGE_OLD_PW_WRONG Old password is incorrect. UE_PW_CHANGE_OLD_AND_NEW_EQUAL New and old password are equal. UE_PW_CHANGE_NEW_PWD_MUST_BE_DIFF_FROM_LAST_FEW_PWDS New password must be different from last 5 passwords. UE_OU_TARGET_INVALID_PARENT Invalid target organizational unit. UE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT_FOUND Upload of potentially dangerous content is not allowed. UE_EMPTY_SELECTION Nothing selected. UE_RECOVERY_PW_NOT_CHANGED Password of this user cannot be changed. UE_RECOVERY_PW_CHANGE_CODE_NOT_VALID Recovery code is not valid. UE_RECOVERY_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Service unavailable. UE_PW_EXPIRATION_TIME_INVALID Password expiration time must be greater than 0. UE_KRB_SRV_PRINC_INVALID Service principal name is invalid. UE_KRB_KEYTAB_FILENAME_INVALID Keytab file name is invalid. UE_KRB_PATH_INVALID Keytab path is invalid. UE_KRB_SERVER_INVALID Kerberos server is invalid. UE_KRB_REALM_INVALID Realm name is invalid. UE_LDAP_PASSWORD_INVALID Password is invalid. UE_LDAP_USER_NAME_INVALID User name is invalid. UE_LDAP_MODIFY_ROLE_NOT_PERMITTED Modification of LDAP role is not permitted. UE_LDAP_SERVER_ADDR_INVALID Server address is invalid. UE_AUTH_FAIL Authentication failed. UE_NO_PERMISSION No permission to access/control. UE_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORT Directory or naming does not support the authentication used. UE_CONNECT_LDAP_FAILED Could not establish connection to LDAP server. Please check your server data. UE_CONNECT_HOST_FAILED Connection to host cannot be established. UE_FUZZY_THRESHOLD_INVALID Fuzzy threshold should be between 0 and 1. UE_CONSENT_TEXT_MISSING Consent text is missing. UE_INVALID_DATA Invalid data UE_WA_AND_OVERLAY_WA_ARE_SAME Current workspace and overlay workspace are the same. UE_OVERLAY_WA_NOT_EXISTS Overlay workspace does not exist. UE_CACHE_CAN_NOT_OVERLAYED Cache workspace cannot be used as overlay workspace. UE_WA_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY Workspace has circular dependency. UE_WA_SYSTEM_NOT_OVERLAYED System workspace cannot be used as overlay workspace. UE_WA_FALLBACK_CANNOT_HAVE_FALLBACK Workspaces with a fallback cannot be the fallback of another workspace. UE_WA_READ_ONLY Workspace is read-only. UE_RESOURCE_BELONG_TO_DIFFERENT_WA Object belongs to another workspace. UE_PARENT_RESOURCE_BELONG_TO_DIFFERENT_WA Parent object belongs to another workspace. UE_TARGET_RESOURCE_BELONG_TO_DIFFERENT_WA Target object belongs to another workspace. UE_OU_NAME_INVALID Organizational unit name is missing or invalid UE_FALLBACK_CONNECTION_PREPROCESSING_FAILED An error occurred while preparing remote @{MANAGER} call. UE_FALLBACK_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to connect to remote @{MANAGER}. UE_READ_ONLY_WA Workspace is read-only. UE_FALLBACK_NO_TAG_ALLOWED Do not use tags for cache workspace creation. UE_REMOTE_WA_ALREADY_EXISTS Remote workspace is already cached. UE_REMOTE_WA_URL_WRONG Remote workspace URL has a wrong format. UE_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS Object already exists in the workspace. UE_FALLBACK_NO_ROOT_NODE No root node exists in the remote workspace. UE_CONSENT_TEXT_MISSING Consent text is missing. UE_INPUT_INVALID Input is invalid. UE_USER_HAS_NO_ADMIN_ROLE_PERMISSON You have no permission to administrate user roles. UE_USER_HAS_NO_JOIN_ROLE_PERMISSON You have no permission to join user roles. UE_USER_HAS_NO_LEAVE_ROLE_PERMISSON You have no permission to leave user roles. UE_USER_HAS_NO_EDIT_ROLE_PERMISSON You have no permission to edit user roles. UE_OU_NAME_INVALID Organizational unit name is missing or invalid UE_FALLBACK_REMOTE_WA_INACTIVE Remote workspace is not active. UE_FALLBACK_CACHE_WA_INACTIVE_FORBIDDEN Cache workspace cannot be deactivated. UE_REMOTE_WA_CONNECTION_PROBLEM Cannot connect to remote workspace. Check the connection details. UE_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED Your account has expired. UE_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_LOCKED Your account was locked. UE_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Your account was not found. UE_LOGIN_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRED Your credential has expired. UE_LOGIN_CREDENTIAL_NOT_FOUND Your credential was not found. UE_LOGIN_FAILED Failed to login. UE_ACCOUNT_EXCEPTION There are problems with your account. UE_LOGIN_CREDENTIAL_EXCEPTION There are problems with your credential. UE_LOGIN_EXCEPTION There are login problems. UE_TRASH_ENTITY_WRITE_TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE Write token is not available for deleted objects. Restore the object from trash. UE_EMPTY_STRING_CONSTRAINT Required parameter cannot be empty and should not contain only white spaces. UE_FINGERPRINT_ALREADY_EXISTS Fingerprint already exists. UE_FINGERPRINT_CAN_NOT_DELETED Fingerprint cannot be deleted. UE_FINGERPRINT_SERVER_SETTING_NOT_ENABLED Server setting is disabled. Please contact your administrator. UE_INVALID_TIME_TYPE Time type is invalid. UE_INVALID_LANGUAGE Language is invalid. UE_AUTH_NAME_IMMUTABLE User logon name cannot be changed. UE_NOT_CACHE_WA Not a cache workspace. UE_FALLBACK_SYNC_FAILED Workspace synchronization failed. UE_ENTITY_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION Selected entity is under construction. UE_USER_DELETED_USER_NOT_DELETABLE Selected user cannot be deleted. UE_PROVIDE_TARGET_WA Target workspace must be provided. UE_WORKAREA_IS_NOT_ACTIVE Workspace is not active. UE_AUDIT_EVENT_NOT_EXIST Audit event does not exist. UE_TITLE_BIGGER_THAN_256 Comment title exceeds 256 characters. UE_BODY_BIGGER_THAN_2048 Comment body exceeds 2048 characters. UE_USER_MADE_TOO_MANY_BROADCAST_REQUESTS Too many broadcast requests are made. Give more time between requests. UE_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST File does not exist. UE_UID_CANNOT_BE_EDITED Users cannot exist with the same user name, but with different UIDs. Check your import file. UE_DOMAIN_CANNOT_BE_EDITED Users cannot exist with the same user name, the same UID but with different domains. Check your import file. UE_USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EDITED Users cannot exist with different user names, but with the same UID. Check your import file. UE_ERR_IDENTITY_IMPORT_RUNNING Import or LDAP operation is already running. Please try again later. UE_DOMAIN_EXISTS Domain already exists. UE_SCRIPT_UPSERT_ERROR A problem occurred while saving the scripts. UE_SCRIPT_DELETE_ERROR A problem occurred while deleting the scripts. UE_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR A problem occurred while downloading the scripts. UE_SCRIPT_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT There is no such script. UE_SCRIPT_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES Name and Type cannot be empty. UE_SCRIPT_UPLOAD_ERROR A problem occurred while uploading the script. UE_SCRIPT_SNIPPET_UID_TOO_LONG Configuration UID must not exceed 128 characters. UE_SCRIPT_SNIPPET_NAME_TOO_LONG Snippet name must not exceed 255 characters. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_INSERT_ERROR A problem occurred while saving the configurations. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_INSERT_UID_ERROR Configuration with duplicate UID cannot be created. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_UPDATE_ERROR A problem occurred while updating the configurations. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_MISSING_UID_ERROR UID is missing. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_UID_TOO_LONG Configuration UID must not exceed 255 characters. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_NAME_TOO_LONG Configuration name must not exceed 255 characters. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_MISSING_ACTIVE Attribute Active is missing. UE_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_MISSING_ERROR Code template cannot be found. UE_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_UID_MISSING Configuration template UID is missing. UE_SCRIPT_GENERATION_ERROR Script cannot be generated. UE_SCRIPT_SERVE_ERROR A problem occurred while providing the script. UE_SCRIPT_NOT_EXISTING Script does not exist. UE_SCRIPT_NOT_ACTIVATED Script is not activated. UE_HELP4_MISSING_ERROR Cannot find Help4 file. Check the @{XRAY} source. UE_SCRIPT_PARAMSET_SERVE_ERROR A ParamSet.xml file must be set. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_WA_SOURCE_ERROR Provided @{XRAY} URL is not valid or reachable. UE_RATING_OUT_OF_RANGE Rating is not a number or out of range(1-5). UE_SCRIPT_INIT_TEMPLATE_BLANK @{XRAY} configuration template is blank, not active or missing. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_NOT_ACTIVATED_OR_EXISTING Requested configuration does not exist or is not activated. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_GET_ERROR A problem occurred while getting the configurations. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_DELETE_ERROR A problem occurred while deleting the configurations. UE_SCRIPT_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT_OR_NOT_ACTIVE Requested script does not exist or is not active. UE_IMAGE_UPSERT_ERROR Problem while adding image. Make sure the reference ID of the image is unique. UE_SCRIPT_SYNC_INFO_UPSERT_ERROR A problem occurred while inserting/updating the central synchronization information. UE_REMOTE_SNIPPET_SERVER_NOT_VALID Remote snippet server connection information is not valid. UE_REMOTE_SNIPPET_SERVER_CONNECTION_FAILED Connection to remote snippet server failed. UE_SCRIPT_READ_ONLY Script is read-only. UE_REMOTE_SNIPPET_SERVER_PASSWORD_MISSING Password is missing. UE_XML_PARSE_ERROR A problem occurred while parsing XML. UE_SCRIPT_SERVER_DELETE_ERROR A problem occurred while removing the remote server information. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_EMPTY_NAME_ERROR Configuration name cannot be empty. UE_REMOTE_SNIPPET_SERVER_CONNECTION_DETAILS_WRONG Remote server connection details are wrong or missing. UE_REMOTE_SNIPPET_SERVER_PWD_WRONG User name or password for remote server connection is wrong. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_UPLOAD_ERROR A problem occurred while uploading the configurations. UE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES A configuration has missing attributes. UE_SCRIPT_WRONG_TYPE Script type is not valid. UE_INSTALLATION_SCHEMA_NOT_VALID Schema is not valid. UE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Item already exists. UE_TRANSLATION_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED Translation feature is not enabled. UE_MALICIOUS_UID_FOUND DKP file being uploaded contains malicious UIDs. UE_UNEXPECTED_TOC_TOPOLOGY Unexpected entity topology. Failed to create table of contents. UE_EXCEPTION_WHILE_READING_REMOTE_FILE Exception while reading remote file. UE_EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND File does not exist. UE_EXCEPTION_DURING_CACHE_ENTRY Exception while writing cache entry. UE_EXCEPTION_WHILE_CALLING_REMOTE_MANAGER Exception while calling remote @{MANAGER}. UE_EXCEPTION_IN_CLOSING_INPUT_STREAM Exception while closing input stream. UE_EXCEPTION_DURING_CALL_TO_CREATE_META_DATA Exception while calling createMetaDataObject. UE_EXCEPTION_IN_RESET_CACHE_INFO Exception while resetting cache info. UE_EXCEPTION_DURING_STORING_REMOTE_FILE_FOR_CACHE Exception while storing remote file for cache. UE_EXCEPTION_IN_CLOSING_OUTPUT_STREAM Exception while closing output stream. UE_JOB_TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE Given token is not valid anymore. UE_ERR_CHECKING_PERMISSION Error while checking the permission. UE_ML_TRANSLATION_INCORRECT_VERSION Error in machine translation due to incorrectly specified version. UE_SCRIPT_FOUND_IN_SVG_FILE SVG file contains script. Remove the script for a successful upload. UE_FAILED_TO_STORE_PASSWORD_USING_SECURESTORE Failed to store password using secure store. UE_EXPERT_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND Failed to find the key for the expert feature. UE_USERS_EXCEED_FILE_LIMIT Number of users exceeds the file limit. Use a different format. UE_FAILED_TO_OBTAIN_USER_COUNT Failed to obtain exported user count. UE_ERROR_SAP_CLOUD_ALM_NOT_ENABLED SAP Cloud ALM feature is not enabled. UE_ERROR_SAP_CLOUD_ALM_TENANT_NOT_REACHABLE SAP Cloud ALM tenant is not reachable. UE_ERROR_SAP_CLOUD_ALM_SECRET_COULD_NOT_BE_SAVED SAP Cloud ALM client secrets could not be saved. UE_ERROR_SAP_CLOUD_ALM_SECRET_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED SAP Cloud ALM client secrets could not be deleted. UE_ERROR_SAP_CLOUD_ALM_WORK_AREA_ALREADY_CREATED A workspace connected to this SAP Cloud ALM tenant already exists. UE_INVALID_URL Invalid URL. UE_INVALID_TOKEN_URL Invalid token URL. UE_UNAUTHORIZED_401 Unauthorized access attempt (401) UE_FORBIDDEN_403 Forbidden to access the resource (403) UE_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_404 Resource not found (404) UE_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODE Unexpected response code. UE_FAILED_TO_PREPARE_CONNECTION Failed to prepare the connection. UE_SCRIPT_SNIPPET_UNAVAILABLE Snippet for the configuration is not available. UE_USER_CREATION_FAILED_OU_INVALID Your user could not be created. Contact your administrator with error code 1000. UE_USER_CREATION_FAILED_ROLE_INVALID Your user could not be created. Contact your administrator with error code 1001. UE_INVALID_API_REQUEST Invalid API request. UE_SECRET_NOT_AVAILABLE Secret is not available. UE_UNEXPECTED_INPUT_FORMAT Unexpected input format. UI_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ENTITY Failed to update entity. UE_INVALID_INTEGRATION_TOPOLOGY Invalid integration topology. UE_INVALID_TARGET_TOPOLOGY Invalid target topology. UE_WRITE_TOKENS_MISSING Some write tokens are missing. UE_INVALID_WORKAREA_TYPE Invalid workspace type. UI_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_REQUESTS Too many remote requests. UE_INVALID_SERVICE_RESPONSE Invalid service response. UE_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED Integrity check failed. UE_USER_ABORT Operations were cancelled by the user. UE_REMOTE_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_OR_INVALID Remote service credentials are missing or invalid. UE_CALM_IS_DOCUMENTS_API_AVAILABLE Does your SAP Cloud ALM tenant support solution documentation? UE_REMOTE_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_OR_INVALID Remote object not found or invalid. UI_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_REMOTE_DOCUMENT Failed to remove remote document. UI_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_REMOTE_DOCUMENTS Failed to remove remote documents. UE_INCOMPATIBLE_ENTITY Incompatible entity. UE_CONTENT_DUPLICATION_FAILED Content duplication failed. UE_ENTITY_FILE_COPY_FAILED Error while copying the entity files. UE_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_WA_DUPLICATION_REQUEST Remote workspace content duplication is not supported. UE_INVALID_REQUEST_DATA Duplication request parameters are invalid. UE_SUBTREE_ATTACHMENT_FAILED Duplicated subtree could not be attached to original parent. UE_TOUR_ASSETS_RENAME_FAILED Error while renaming the tour assets. UE_RESOURCE_CAPTION_RENAMING_FAILED Resource caption could not be renamed. UE_ERROR_WHILE_SAML_ONPREM_CONFIGURATION Error during on-premise SAML configuration. UE_USER_PERMISSION_IMMUTABLE It is not allowed to change the permissions for the user. UE_ERROR_EXCEPTION_CALLING_GEN_AI Exception while accessing generative AI. UE_ERROR_GEN_AI_CONFIG_NOT_AVAILABLE Generative AI configuration is not available. UE_ERROR_RETRIEVING_DESTINATION_CONFIG Destination configuration is not available. UE_ERROR_RETRIEVING_INTERACTION_LOGS Error while retrieving the interaction logs. UE_ERROR_INSERTING_INTERACTION_LOGS Error while inserting the interaction logs. UE_SERVER_SETTING_NOT_ENABLED Server setting is disabled. UE_ERROR_CALLING_OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT Error while calling the OAuth2 token endpoint. UE_ERROR_DESTINATION_CONFIG_LOOKUP Failed to lookup destination configuration UE_MISSING_VIEW_WORKAREA_PERMISSION. User does not have the workarea view permission. Contact your administrator. UE_MISSING_VIEW_WORKAREA_PERMISSION User does not have the workspace view permission. Contact your administrator. UE_WORKAREA_NOT_FOUND_FOR_THE_TASK Workspace was not found for this task. UE_ERROR_CREATING_ENTITY Error while creating an entity. UE_ERROR_ADDING_ENTITY_TO_PARENT Error while adding an entity to a parent. UE_ERROR_REMOVING_ENTITY_FROM_PARENTS Error while removing an entity from a parent. UE_ERROR_CREATING_EMPTY_ENTITY_XML Error while creating an empty entity XML file. UE_USERUUID_CAN_NOT_BE_UNSET User UUID cannot be unset once it is set. UE_USERUUID_IS_OR_WAS_ALREADY_ASSIGNED User UUID is or was already assigned. Reuse is prohibited. UE_MISSING_VIEW_REPORT_PERSONAL_DATA User does not have permission to view personal data in reports. Contact your administrator. UE_USER_DETAIL_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_EXTERNALLY_MANAGED_IDENTITY User detail change is not allowed for externally managed identity.